Daron Alanna Dean
Hockinson High School
Senior 2009 #25
Daron, (Dare Bare) as she is called by her Premier Elite friends, probably for her ferocious basketball mentality, is the power forward prototype in Southwest Washington. Strong, agile, a good leaper, and a nice soft touch from outside. One of 4 daughters of Garry & Lisa, Daron has been playing sports as long as she can remember. Her father Garry coached her in hoops most of her young life but it was playing in middle school and being coached by an ex-Prairie and Santa Clara player, Courtney Cushing (Daron calls her, her role model) that spark Daron into focusing on someday being a college basketball player. Daron has high school letters in softball, track, basketball & soccer at Hockinson but has dedicated this season to playing basketball, and focusing on her dream. Last season Daron was 2nd team all league 2A, this year her determination brought her to be the MVP of the 2A, and along with a 3.9 GPA on top of it, college basketball is bright in her future. For those that think she's too short. You're going to regret that.
getting to know a little about Daron; favorite movie - Man of Fire, favorite song - Robocop by Kanye West, favorite class - (get this) Statistics (wow) and Spanish, Hobbies include playing video games, reading, photography, and hanging with her sisters, along with of course playing basketball. Daron has 2 dogs, 4 cats and has owned in the past, horses and chickens, that why someday she'd like to become a Veterinarian. Looking forward to this year's recruiting process she's received letters from Bakersfield, St Mary's and Linnfield to name a few, hoping to major in Chemistry and Biology.
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