Battle Ground High School
Class of 2009 #25
Gabi is the oldest of 5 brothers and sisters born to Patrick & Beth Dixson. Patrick an ex-football player out of Los Angeles, and Beth is an ex-college volleyball player. So as you can well imagine athletics have played a major role in Gabi's life. If there was a competition of any sort, going on while she was growing up, she was involved. She's earned varsity letters at Battle Ground in soccer, volleyball, and basketball (2009 earning All League honors and playing in the Les Schwab all star game was the game MVP) but her specialty which will surely land her an athletic scholarship, track & field of which she's the 2008 state champ in throwing the discus and runner up at state in throwing shot. This year she of course is favorite to win state at both.
Athletics is not Gabi's only love. She's an accomplished jazz singer, in fact Gabi has miss basketball games this season because of a school jazz concert scheduled the same night. She's also a gem in academics carrying a 4.0 GPA. She plays basketball to keep her in shape for track, but she excels for the girls varsity team at Battle Ground, many nights leading them in scoring and almost always leading in rebounds and providing a strong inside presences.
getting to know a little about Gabi; favorite song - Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody, favorite movie - Bringing down the House & White Chicks, favorite class - Jazz Choir, favorite color - purple, hobbies include Art, Music, sign language, going to church, & hanging with friends & family. She's getting major D1 schools recruiting her for track & field and will easily earn a scholarship soon.
This young lady has given herself a great start on life and we will be watching the great things that come her way. Good luck Gabi, although you've paved your own path.
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