Friday, April 10, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Impact Player of the week #11
Monday, April 6, 2009
Post season review Impact Player of the week #4

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Post season review Impact Player of the week #2

Post season review Impact Player of the week #8

Daron Alanna Dean
Hockinson High School
Senior 2009 #25
Daron, (Dare Bare) as she is called by her Premier Elite friends, probably for her ferocious basketball mentality, is the power forward prototype in Southwest Washington. Strong, agile, a good leaper, and a nice soft touch from outside. One of 4 daughters of Garry & Lisa, Daron has been playing sports as long as she can remember. Her father Garry coached her in hoops most of her young life but it was playing in middle school and being coached by an ex-Prairie and Santa Clara player, Courtney Cushing (Daron calls her, her role model) that spark Daron into focusing on someday being a college basketball player. Daron has high school letters in softball, track, basketball & soccer at Hockinson but has dedicated this season to playing basketball, and focusing on her dream. Last season Daron was 2nd team all league 2A, this year her determination brought her to be the MVP of the 2A, and along with a 3.9 GPA on top of it, college basketball is bright in her future. For those that think she's too short. You're going to regret that.
getting to know a little about Daron; favorite movie - Man of Fire, favorite song - Robocop by Kanye West, favorite class - (get this) Statistics (wow) and Spanish, Hobbies include playing video games, reading, photography, and hanging with her sisters, along with of course playing basketball. Daron has 2 dogs, 4 cats and has owned in the past, horses and chickens, that why someday she'd like to become a Veterinarian. Looking forward to this year's recruiting process she's received letters from Bakersfield, St Mary's and Linnfield to name a few, hoping to major in Chemistry and Biology.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
NW Girls b-ball Player Profile of the Week #16

Friday, April 3, 2009
NW Girls b-ball Player Profile of the Week #14
Class of 2009 #11
Thursday, April 2, 2009
NW Girls b-ball Player Profile of the Week #13
Southwest Washington NW Girl's B-ball Impact player profile;
Union High School
Junior class of 2010 #22
Paving your own trail at a new high school. This had to cross Janae's mind, if you transfer away from a school that you grew up thinking you'd attend and play ball for, and then go to a brand spanking new school. I can Imagine all kinds of thoughts in a young teenager's mind. After attending Mt. View HS her freshman year, then transferring to Union for her sophomore and now junior year. Janae has been "big girl on campus" since arriving. Being the starting power forward on a team and school with high expectations, Janae is the consistent, steady force for the Titan's this year. She carried the team nightly this year, after the Titan's got off to a bad start, She help the team earn a tie for 2nd Place in League, and earned All League 1st Team 3A. Congratulations.
Janae is the only child of Michelle Davis an ex-HS softball player and her father Danianke Smith, an ex-UW football player now coaching HS football in California. Athleticism is in the genes. Janae has been playing organize sports since the 4th grade, and started focusing on basketball in the 6th grade when she started working out with her grandfather and joined the Nuthin But Net organization. Her grandparents and mom make it to every game she plays, and she finds inspiration and strength in their presences.
things to know about Janae; favorite movie - Love & Basketball; favorite song - Dear Mama - Tupac; favorite color - Lime green; favorite class - marketing; hobbies include shopping, going to the movies and the spa, hanging with friends and dancing. Janae would like to become a registered nurse or go into psychology when she goes to college, hopefully playing basketball also. Good luck.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
NW Girls b-ball Player Profile of the Week #12

This week's Southwest Washington NW Girl's B-ball Impact player profile;
Melissa C. Williams
Camas High School
Sophomore class of 2011 #12
"Peeps" as her family and friends call her, (because when she was born she had such big eyes, popping out they say) is the youngest of two daughters from Joe and Karen Williams, she was born in Austin Texas, moved to the Great Northwest when she was 3 years old. Picked up a basketball and knew it was for her. Melissa know stands 6 feet tall, long and lanky. Runs and jumps like a gazelle, and is honing her basketball skills to where she will be a force to recon with, as a part of the terrific underclass up and coming here in Southwest Washington. Peeps credits her father as her long time coach and mentor. She remembers in middle school when she started growing and stretching out past her class mates, saying basketball is my sport. Watching her sister Kelsey play at Camas High School along with her dad, and dreaming of one day playing there with her sister. That dream came true last year, Kelsey's senior year, Melissa's freshmen year, both on the varsity. Older sister pushing younger sister, through the drills and motivating her, seeing something in her that she Kelsey, didn't have but wanting the best for her younger sister. Kelsey was right, Melissa does have a gift for hoops, making All League 3A her freshman season, and All League 1st Team this season.
things to know about Melissa; favorite song; New Shoes - Paolo Nutini, favorite movie - Just Friends, favorite class - English and World History, Melissa is a honor student, carries a 4.0 GPA in the magnet program at Camas; her hobbies include reading, hanging with friends, soccer and working out; She says she'd like to be a Pediatricians one day. I'm sure college basketball is in her immediate future also.
NW Girls b-ball Player Profile of the Week #15
Battle Ground High School
Class of 2009 #25
Gabi is the oldest of 5 brothers and sisters born to Patrick & Beth Dixson. Patrick an ex-football player out of Los Angeles, and Beth is an ex-college volleyball player. So as you can well imagine athletics have played a major role in Gabi's life. If there was a competition of any sort, going on while she was growing up, she was involved. She's earned varsity letters at Battle Ground in soccer, volleyball, and basketball (2009 earning All League honors and playing in the Les Schwab all star game was the game MVP) but her specialty which will surely land her an athletic scholarship, track & field of which she's the 2008 state champ in throwing the discus and runner up at state in throwing shot. This year she of course is favorite to win state at both.
Athletics is not Gabi's only love. She's an accomplished jazz singer, in fact Gabi has miss basketball games this season because of a school jazz concert scheduled the same night. She's also a gem in academics carrying a 4.0 GPA. She plays basketball to keep her in shape for track, but she excels for the girls varsity team at Battle Ground, many nights leading them in scoring and almost always leading in rebounds and providing a strong inside presences.
getting to know a little about Gabi; favorite song - Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody, favorite movie - Bringing down the House & White Chicks, favorite class - Jazz Choir, favorite color - purple, hobbies include Art, Music, sign language, going to church, & hanging with friends & family. She's getting major D1 schools recruiting her for track & field and will easily earn a scholarship soon.
This young lady has given herself a great start on life and we will be watching the great things that come her way. Good luck Gabi, although you've paved your own path.