Friday, April 10, 2009


Marykate Hughes sophomore basketball player at Woodland High School, had surgery Wednesday in Houston Texas at the N.D. Anderson Medical Center. Cancer in her right arm along with other complications required amputation of her right arm, her shoulder, and some of her chest wall. I spoke with her mother Julie Thursday, and she express that the surgery was successful in getting the cancer. Marykate will be in the Ronald McDonald house in Houston, Texas for the next month or so. I ask you please, send a card and or make a donation to this family. There are a lot of expenses. Contact Woodland High School via email or a phone call. A foundation has been set up. Send to Woodland High School c/o Cindy Thoeny at 757 Park St Woodland WA. 98674. Make checks to Woodland High School c/o MK Hughes Donations

1 comment:

the fan said...

All our prayers go out to a wonderful young lady and athlete. Wishing her a speedy recovery and with hopes to see her alongside the bench during future games!