Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What an off season...

Wow, here we are not even July 2009 yet, and the area is buzzing. Southwest Washington girl's basketball is going crazy with, count it, 7 changes in coaches positions. Of course, most know of the new hiring at Evergreen High School, yours truly, but also Mountain View High School will have a new person in charge, along with Hockinson High School and Columbia River High School. And now, this week alone, Heritage High School, Hudson's Bay High School and Union High School have made coaching changes and all will be hiring new coaches. WOW...

This will be an interesting year. Stay turned for more information.


Dark Knight said...

And these are just the one's that we know of. Consistency is the key to having a winning program though, isn't it?! You would think that the other schools in Southwest WA would emulate, instead of letting parents dictate to their administration how to run a program, , coach Aldridge and Prairie high school. Now 30 years at the same school, a proud tradition and the most successful girls basketball program in the state of WA.

sorrytosay said...

Dark Knight,
Bernie Madoff had a "successful" program for "30years" as well.
Things aren't always what they seem.
Very few are proud and tradition is open for interpretation.
Parents pay their salaries and make it possible for them to have a place to coach, you must have miss-spoke when you suggested that they should not let the parents dictate.
We are talking about teenage girls here remember.
With the youth teams a thing of the past and 3 year starter (among others, assistant coaches etc) quitting, the future is down to who can be recruited.
They, in time, will see the light as well. The team concept is a thing of the past, therefor so are the titles.