Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Big Dance doesn't let down

Lot's of college coaches wondering around, looking for that 'needle in a hay stack', and there to scout the accomplished high school talent from all over the Northwest and West Coast.

Oregon City's "End of the Trail" is the best tournament on the west coast by far. Consistently drawing the best and most talented girl's high school players from the west coast and beyond.

Premier Elite has been fortunate enough to be invited to this tournament for the past 7 years. This year, although the team struggled to a 1-3 record, our players got lots of experience and some of the players played well enough to grab a few college coaches attention and hopefully they will be hearing from them soon.

The Columbia Cascades played well as usual. Going 3-2 and capturing 4th place in the Gold division. The Columbia Waves also went 3-2 in the White division.

The Vancouver Heat went 1-3 in the Silver division.

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