Friday, February 27, 2009


Daron Dean, Lejla Mlivic, Amanda McCarty, Michelle Haagen, Jennifer Pickup and the rest of the Hawks are going to the 2A State Tournament after a decisive victory over Ridgefield 60 - 48. Congratulations to Hockinson coach Natalie Priebe on a great season. She really had this team playing well all season. Good luck at state and we'll be cheering for ya.

Prairie takes 3rd in the 3A Bi-Districts
The Falcon's jump out to a 12 point lead in the 1st quarter and hung on to defeat Yelm 55 - 48 to place them with a high seed in the upcoming 3A State Tournament. Lauren Goecke lead Prairie with 20 points, Christine Sonners dropped in 11.

1 comment:

the fan said...

Good luck to all the girls playing in the championship games! They all deserve our respect and our support for representing Southwest Washington!